Tyler had his first birthday last month, and we decided to throw him a big party (cause you know, 1yr olds just LOVE big parties ;) I had all these idea's in my head of what i wanted to do. Thanks to the help of my good friend Bec of RubyJu (thanks sweetie!) we just managed to pull most of those ideas off! I love a friend, who, when your spouting out all these crazy ideas of what you want to achieve in a ridiculously short amount of time, she says "Lets do it!" instead of bringing me back down to earth.
Awesome. Love those kind of friends.
Anywho....so the party is being featured on the Cake Events blog today, which is pretty cool. So if you are coming to this blog from there....Hello! Nice to meet you all :)
I'll be posting a couple tutes on my blog from the party, so keep watching! I should have the first one up later today. But for now, heres some more pics from the party. (They're definitley not as cute as Bec's pics...thanks Bec for all the precious photo's!)
We had a fingerprint tree, where all the guests would sign in with their fingerprint. My friend's husband whipped up the awesome tree in minutes after i panicedly realised i didnt have a tree yet, just as the guests were starting to arrive. Oops...knew i'd forgotten something!
We also had a section set up for guests to leave the birthday boy little notes of wisom/advice for him to read when he was older.
heres some of the notes that made me laugh...
We had a photobooth set up with cute bunting my girlfriend Debbie made for the backgdrop.
Every family got a polaroid taken which they got to take home with them later. In retrospect, i wish i had kept them all so i could have at least made myself a copy. Then i could have sent them out to everybody with Thankyou notes. Theres a tip for you if you ever end up doing the same thing!
Heres some other pics from the day...
and of course, my fave pic of the day....
There was lots of vintage decorations...you can some more great shots of the party HERE and HERE.
and heres some of the food (pics by Bec of RubyJu)...
TJ fell asleep before he got a chance to cut the cake (so to speak) so some of our friends and family missed seeing him get his cake (and eat it too!) as it was quite late when he woke. We made him a smaller version of this pumpkin spice cake to have all to himself. And he was in heaven!
The Mr. thought it would be funny to smear icing all over my face, but as you can see, i think i had the last laugh ;)
A BIG HUGE thanks to my gorgeous friend Bec, my step mother Robyn, and my sweet friend Mel and my family, who all did such a great job in helping me get this party done! Poor Mel had sick kids on the day, so after all her help, she didnt even get to see the end result :(
Thanks for looking!
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