I have 2 kids home sick (well , one would be home anyway, he's a bit young for school yet ;). Mind you Tati doesn't look sick at all in the pics, just cute.
Tati loved it when TJ fell asleep in her arms.
We started to put up the Xmas tree, but realised we're missing the most important part.... the centre pole! It must have gotten lost in the move. Bugger!
This is how i got things done all day today....with a sick bub in my arms. He just wanted to be held all day.
It was so nice this evening that we all had dinner outside on the porch. Love summer for that :)
So i need to re-think my Xmas tree now. We thought we'd wait till after Xmas to buy a new one so we can get a good one at a decent price (since when did they become so expensive!). So i need a temporary tree for this year....hmmmmmm. Any ideas?