... i have my very own slave?
The Mr. is not so great at gifts. Birthday gifts, Xmas gifts....any gifts really. I think he gets all flustered at the idea of having to buy a gift and over thinks it and often just cant do it at all. (sorry if your reading this A, but you know it’s true ;). This year, however, he got it so so right! After years of hearing me constantly complain “you know what i REALLY want? I want help! Help catching up on my ridiculous, never -ending to do list! Thats what i want for my birthday!” So on Wednesday ( the day before my birthday) he rang me from work to ‘give’ me my gift early. It was him. He was volunteering himself to me as my slave for 4 days, to help me do, make, clean whatever i wanted! He was telling me a day early so that i had time to get whatever i needed together ,write my lists and plan what we would do.
Best. Birthday. Gift. Ever.
So the first day (my bday) we met friends for coffee and breakfast and spent most of the day at Bunnings. I had thought long and hard about what i wanted to achieve in these four days. In the end, i didn’t choose what needed to be done most, instead i chose to complete all the projects that bugged me not having them done the most. I figured the important projects will get done anyways, because they’re important. But the projects i chose to tackle are the ones that aren’t a necessity and would probably otherwise keep getting pushed to the back burner. So we bought wood, and plants and soil and paint. We didn’t get much done the first day, but that was ok. We enjoyed hanging out together.
Day 2 we acheived alot though.The Mr. worked tirelessly. It was awesome.
Day 3 not so much as we were tired and hungover from my Bday dinner the night before. But we did have a glorious day of lounging about and swimming and eating. And although we didn’t get much done, I didn’t do a thing on Saturday. The Mr. made me and my sista a beautiful breakfast, did all the dishes and daily cleaning up that day. I literally didn’t lift a finger. We ordered takeaway for dinner and watched videos until we fell asleep. Gloriously relaxing.
Sunday after Nippers, we got back to work and finished most of the projects we started. We finally finished my pallet herb garden.
(from this)
And we potted and hung vines that we hope will eventually grow to cover our old ricketty fences.
We hung up some wall planters with more wall cover that we also hope will grow to eventually cover our awnings. And he started painting our outdoor areas (we are painting over all the maroon YUK! and painting it white...of course ;)
We finished my birthday weekend with a family dinner at Bennihanna’s, one of my favourite restraunts. Mmmmmm.....sooooo good!
Let me just say it again.
Best. Birthday . Ever.
Hope your weekend was as awesome as mine!
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