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Kelly Rodgers

Oh Zina - that was hilarious and all too familiar. Except I went with a man - got the stuff to the car {after lots of swearing} and realised it wouldn't fit in {the roofracks ad is true}. So we had to take it all back upstairs {lots more swearing} and pay $100 extra to have it delivered. It was a quiet ride home with hubby {at least for me - he was still swearing}. A few days later we had it delivered and he gave up with putting the stuff together, so I did it. And broke it. My daughter is sleeping in a bunk bed held together with 3 screws not 4. And my son is sleeping in a bed with a missing shelf.
I've sworn off IKEA - except there's these really cute bookcases....


Hi, just came across your blog what a story!. I had a very similair experience recently which involved me , my mum, my 3 children aged 5 and under(including a new born in a pram)and my 2 trolleys of furniture and all those cool little "must haves cause they are so cheap!". I did actually get great service on the day I attended but it was still a mammoth effort. My mum and I didnt know whether to laugh or cry for most of the DAY (yes I was there nearly all day). Oh but i still love IKEA and I bet its worth it now the goodies are home. Their new catalogue is due in my letter box any day now and my mum is worried not to mention my husband who took 2 full days to put it all together!


You are soooo funny, I knew it would be worth reading the whole story because your IKEA stories are so funny!! next time you are in adelaide visit ours, I have allways been able to find staff for questions!


Ikea- what a great story. I have one too! At my last visit, the cash register person charged me for all of my items but didn't send them down for me to pack. By this stage of my shopping trip I needed to go to the toilet (again) and get out of the store!! I arrived home 4 items short ($40 worth). Usually I would think stuff it,I couldn't be bothered going back but 2 Mother's Day presents were in there. After several phone calls with english-as-a-second-language speaking people, they finally allowed me to come all the way back to the store and let me pick up the items that I had paid for. Unfortunately for me the next day was SATURDAY; IF YOU VALUE YOUR SANITY AND THE CONCEPT OF PERSONAL SPACE, DO NOT GO TO IKEA ON THE WEEKEND!!!! (captials intended for emphasis). While my darling husband entertained our 6mth old twins in the carpark, I 'ducked' into ikea. NOW, THERE IS NO PERSON ALIVE WHO COULD 'DUCK' INTO IKEA. Although I was told that my 4 items would be behind the service desk, the confused lady spent many minutes trying to work out 'this and that' so instead I offered to run (yes run!) through the store to grab the items and get out of there. 40 minutes later I arrived back at our car to find my puzzled looking husband asking "what took you so long?"
PS- I have a similar Freedom story too!


Could not have said it better !!
i am like you . i like the stuff there, well most of it anyway, but hate to shop there, the custumer service is CRAP.
loved your story though !!
ps will we get an update on how to put the furniture together ! or will you get hubby to do that !!

Tanya Reedy

Fabulous! My eyes are watering!!


I've never been to an IKEA. The nearest one just opened and it's three hours from me. But, read your story and had a great laugh! So funny. Now I'm prepared, just in case I ever feel like driving three hours to torture myself!


I'm so with you on this one. LOL


This is so funny Zina, I love Ikea too and take hubby with me, but he don't half moan, because I always have to walk round twice in case I've missed something, the only bit he likes is lunch and the ice cream at the checkout.



I am a very big visualiser .... I could totally see you in the Ikea carpark .... and I could totally see myself doing the same thing. Very, very funny .... I hope that the bookshelf was worth it .... did you need a man to put it together???? Ikea seems to bring out a love/hate relationship in most people ... maybe one day you will be able to order online .... let's hope.

Michelle Vass

I made sure I had 15 min to sit down read this story before I started reading it cos I want to savour it and cos it must be funny! And I did and loved it .... it was HILARIOUS!!!! I had such a funny visual with the trolley running away from your car. :) :) Thanks for sharing. How's putting up the shelves going? ;)

Debbie D

Way funny Miss Z.
You could have let me know I would gladly have "Waited" patiently for you to EXIT the store after all your meanderings, ( he he ) and Video taped all this, we surley wouldve won BIG $$$$ BUCKS on Funny home videos, if its as funny as Im imagining it to be.
You funny little bugger, you such a Teenie Tiny thing, What were you thinking ?Busting ya gizzards for a bloomin bookshelf, Anyway hope your happy with it,.Did Adam laugh or cry when you got home.

Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx

OMG that sounds exactly what would happen to me as well. I'm sorry you had all that stress but happy to know I'm not the only women who thinks she can cope without a man.

There have been plenty of times I've been shopping and bought too much and struggled to get it home

It's a shame IKEA don't have better customer service. I think I will write to them and complain. Every shop that size needs more staff on duty to help make our shopping trip not so stressfull.

Have a great week Zina and thanks for the laugh :)


Without sounding like a stalker I saw you at IKEA on Saturday (in the food hall) and you were looking pretty stressed then. Those flat packs are SUPER heavy! Great Story!


well, this is me in your story.......
but let me tell you this: sometimes you bring a man with you and you end up with four trolleys (you know things that were not in the catalogue but end up in your blue plastic bags yes bags because there is obviously more than one bag at the end)!!! yes i've experienced this situation!!! and let me tell you it's even more embarassing when the stuff in the fourth trolley will absolutly not fit in your car!!!! and that you have to take everething back to the store...oupppsss


You totally cracked me up with your story...and the funny thing is I can visualise every part of it, and sympathise with you, too. Ikea is definately a place to take your man!
Chelle Xx


LOL that is the funniest thing I have ever read because it is SO true. I never go to ikea without my husband because I know I could never get any of that stuff into my car without his help. The worst is when you buy something that doesn't quite fit in your car and you have to maneuver it so that it sits in between the passenger and driver seats and out the back window...

Ali :o)

Points duly noted, mate ;o) I *need* to get to IKEA to pick up a new coffee table... but with Liam not around right now - I'll take your advice and wait for my man to come home! I don't want to be trying to lift heavy boxes unassisted and find my way to the car with a wayward trolly - especially being preggers! LOL

Hope you're well!!!
Ali :o) xoxo

Tash Allen

you are too too funny!! hee, hee, hee! was thinking about going to Ikea for baby & organise-this-darn-house-before-baby-no-2-arrives-furniture, but point taken, WILL NOT do it without my man!! LOL :)


Hi Zina, blog surfing led me to your site - thanks for the best laugh I have had in ages. I too decided I needed to have a scraproom refit, however I was silly enough to take two kids to Ikea along with my mum (who, let's face it, isn't much help). Not only did I have to load up the trolleys (the kids can't possibly sit in the same one) but get them back to the car only to find out that the shelves didn't quite fit in the car! Some quick manouvering of baby & toddler car seats, a quick trip back to Ikea for my son to go to the toilet and then back again to put the 60/40 split fold seat down and loading up the car! Never again without my hubby and definitely never again with kids!!! I may also invest in a trailer (lol). I so completely get it - Ikea - good in theory. Thank God their stuff is so great! Love the look of your new scraproom. LisaW


Oh Zina, I am wetting myself here!!! ROFLMAO!

Thanks for the IKEA Tips, I have been totally inspired and am looking at IKEA Online for a scraproom makeover, (Well thats after I convert our ensuite into my scraproom and convince hubby to agree to build a brand new ensuite out on our gorgeous exisiting bedroom verandah!!!) so I appreciate all the tips and advice!!!



I so feel for you, and can so relate!
I think it's great! :)

You go girl!

I wish I was close to an IKEA, man or no man. Even if I had to take it all home on the bus.

Picture that. :-O

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